How to Prepare the Best Bavette Steak?

Is bavette steak as same as a flank steak?

Piece of meat is one of the easiest and tastiest foods that we could have during celebrations or, at least when I want to eat something delicious. After reading this guide, you will learn everything you need to know about bavette steak.

Bavette is a French word for flank steak. Though it was an underrated cut in the initial days, over time, the Bavette steak has become very popular due to its amazing taste and affordable price range.

What Is Bavette Steak?

Bavette is a French word that means bib, which is due to the flat and long shape. The Bavette steak is of similar shape, so its name is so adapted for this cut. This steak is derived from a cow’s underbelly and has intense flavors. To find out more about a brisket that come from a cow read up in what part of cow is brisket.

The steak is also very loose and, if cooked right, would have a beautiful crumbling texture. The Bavette steak is also called the butcher’s cut since butchers mostly enjoy this.

Bavette is a French word for flank steak.

The key reason for this is the low price compared to other cuts and the deep and rich flavors. The flavors are due to the high volume of intramuscular fat, which is very fine.

Due to the extreme fineness of the intramuscular fat, the steak is often overcooked, making it dry. You need to cook the steak at a high temperature and quickly without letting it sit on the gas for long for the medium-rare condition.

Since the Bavette cut is close to the Flank cut and is cut from the cow’s Sirloin Primal, it is often called the Flank steak. However, the Bavette is much more tender as compared to the Skirt and Flank steaks.

While cooking the Bavette steak, you can use rich marinades and still retain the steak’s original beefy and rich flavor.

This steak structure is similar to that of the Flank steak, which means it is coarse and chewy. If the steak is not prepared properly, then it could feel like chewing boot leather.

Where can I buy bavette cut?

When I first came to know about Bavette steak, the major problem that arises was the right place to find it. I visited numerous butchers, but most of them passed off the Flank steak as Bavette steak.

Soon, I came to know from a friend of mine about a butcher’s shop a few distances from my house and them I know where to go for the perfect Bavette Steak.

If you are facing similar problems and cannot find it from your local butcher, then there are many places where you could find the same. You need to remember that you might initially face the same problem that I had faced earlier. Your local butcher may try to pass off the Flank steak as a Bavette steak.

If you are not sure which one is a Bavette steak, you can seek help from a friend who does. One-time assistance is enough for you to know which steak you need to buy. However, if you have a trusted local butcher, they would not cheat you and give you the authentic part.

In case you do not get the Bavette steak from your local butcher, you can try out the local supermarkets. Due to the increase in knowledge of this steak, most supermarkets add the Bavette to their stock.

If you are not sure which one is a Bavette steak, you can seek help from a friend who does. One-time assistance is enough for you to know which steak you need to buy

However, the demand can also result in the stocks finishing soon, so you can let the store know in advance to let you know when the stock arrives.

Remember that Bavette steaks taste better when they have aged. Beef that has been kept hung for at least 21 days would be tastier and tender. Since the Bavette steak’s average size ranges from two to four pounds, it would be better to let your local butcher known in advance if you are buying from them.

Many online sites sell high-quality Bavette steak if you do not find the Bavette steak at your local butchers or the local supermarket. You can order from one of these online stores, and you will receive the meat right at your doorstep.

What is the perfect way to cook bavette?

Now that you have found the perfect Bavette steak, you need to know how to cook it. Though there is no one way to cook a steak, the tips that I have mentioned here are from my own experience.

Here I have mentioned two methods which I felt have enhanced the taste of the Bavette. You can try out some recipes of your own that you feel would be suitable for you.


The first method that I had tried out was the easiest one, which was grilling the Bavette steak. This is because I have seen the steak cook perfectly on a barbecue or heavy-bottomed pan at high temperature. You need to cook the steak medium-rare (more on the rare side).


  1. The steak would cook better if you let it sit for at least 12 hours in the refrigerator. Salt the steak and do not cover it when you place it in the refrigerator. This will dry out the surface of the steal and also season the meat thoroughly.
  2. Take your pan and heat it on high flame, or you can also use a grill. Make sure that it is extremely hot before you start the cooking process. I use a pan that is heavy-bottomed and it brings the best results.
  3. Add a little amount of oil to the pan or grill so that the meat does not get scorched and stick to the base.
  4. When the pan or grill is hot enough, you can place the steak and cook it for a minimum of 2-3 minutes on each side. Do not turn the steak constantly or press it down, or it would not get cooked as you want.
  5. After your Bavette steak is cooked well, you can shift it to a warm place for about 20 minutes. Let it rest for a certain while before you start to cut the steak across its grain and serve it to your guests.


Sous Vide

Another popular kind of cooking method is Sous Vide, which is famous for BBQ recipes. For people who do not know what Sous Vide is, it is a method where you cook the meat for a long duration at low temperatures. If you had some leftover brisket, make sure you read my article that I wrote about reheating brisket using sous vide method.

Here the meat is placed inside a glass jar or plastic pouch and placed in water at regulated temperature with the Sous Vide machine for a long period.

I have tried out the Sous Vide to cook my Bavette steak and have got amazing results. Read on to find out what I did.

  1. First, you need to season the Bavette steak. Then, place it inside a vacuum bag and seal it. Do this with a vacuum sealer to ensure that it is perfectly sealed.
  2. Take a large pot and your Sous Vide machine. Pour water inside the pot and set the machine’s temperature at 130 degrees Fahrenheit or 54 degrees Celsius. Make sure that the temperature is consistent and there are no changes.
  3. Put the vacuum-sealed Bavette into the hot water. Leave the steak immersed in the eater for a minimum of an hour and a maximum of four hours, depending on your preference.
  4. Once the steak is cooked properly, take it out from the bag and place it on a plate. Let the steak sit for ten minutes so that the temperature is reduced and it does not overcook when the final sear is given.
  5. While letting the meat sit, heat up a pan, and add some amount of oil to it.
  6. The steak’s surface has to be patted dry and then placed on the pan. After that, cook the steak for at least 30 seconds or one minute on each side so that there is a crispy seer.
  7. Remove the properly cooked steak from the pan and serve immediately.

How to choose the perfect bavette cut?

Grass-fed vs grain-fed bavette

There is a huge debate on the matter that what kind of Bavette steak should be bought – grass-fed or grain-fed. Let’s take a look at both types and determine which one is best for consumption.

Health nutritionists, scientists, as well as culinary experts recommend Bavette steaks that come from a cow that has been grass-fed. Bavette steaks from a grass-fed cow have proven to be higher in vitamin and mineral content, as well as a higher amount of omega three fatty acids.

Moreover, grass-fed Bavette steaks are far superior in taste, texture, and tenderness to the other variety.

Grain-fed Bavette steaks, on the other hand, is probably easier to find but lacks the high nutritional content and richness of flavor than its grass-fed counterpart.

You can identify a grass-fed Bavette meat by its deep red color and a slightly orange-hued layer of fat. The steaks get the color from an antioxidant called beta-carotene, which is also responsible for the reddish-orange color of carrots.

Aged bavette steak

The process of aging beef steaks changes the meat in two ways and for the better. Firstly, by evaporating all the moisture from the steaks, we are left with a higher concentration of meat fibers, resulting in a flavor-packed taste.

Secondly, the aging process gives time to the enzymes already present in the beef to break down the connective tissues. This results in more tenderness in the steak.

Now the question that arises is whether dry-aging Bavette steaks is the right choice or wet-aging them works better.

To answer that question, the ideal aging process should include a balance between the two aging processes. That way, the Bavette steaks will have the soft juiciness that comes from dry-aging, as well as the fresh, metallic taste that is a result of wet-aging.

Nutritional facts about bavette cut

According to Fitbit, a 1 oz. serving of Bavette steak should contain 42 Kcal of calories, of which 16 units are from fat. If you are getting a whole pound, then a 1 lb. piece is likely to contain 672 kcal energy, 256 units of it from fat.

Here is a detailed look into the nutritional facts of a 1 oz. Bavette steak. All percentages are given as % of the daily value.

Total Fat (1.8 grams) – 3%

  • Saturated Fat (0.7 grams) – 4%
  • Trans Fat (0 grams)

Total Carbohydrate (0 grams)

Total Protein (6.2 grams) – 12%

  • Sodium (16.2 milligrams) – 1%
  • Potassium (96.4 milligrams) – 3%
  • Cholesterol (11.9 milligrams) – 4%
  • Vitamin B12 – 6%
  • Iron – 3%
  • Zinc – 8%
  • Magnesium – 2%
  • Riboflavin – 2%
  • Phosphorus – 6%
  • Calcium – 1%
  • Niacin – 10%
  • Thiamin – 1%
  • Copper – 1%
  • Pantothenic Acid – 2%

How to store bavette properly?

First and foremost, you must make sure that you are sourcing your Bavette steak from a supplier who takes storage seriously. Your supplier should be doing everything in their power to provide you with a naturally fresh cut of meat.

When in your possession, you will, of course, store it in your refrigerator. However, keeping it in an open utensil will keep it fresh for not more than a couple of days.

That is why we recommend you go for vacuum packaging. When in an air-out vacuum pack, your Bavette steak will stay good for at least 2 weeks in your fridge. If kept in your freezer, it can stay as it is for much longer.

We suggest you consume it within the first week of purchase to get the most out of its flavors. No point in letting a lovely cut such as the Bavette lie and rot in your fridge!

Best bavette cut dishes

The Bavette steak is used extensively in several trademark dishes around the world, such as Mexican fajitas, English beef stews, and Chinese stir-fries. Here we have compiled some easy-to-make, yet lip-smacking Bavette cut recipes for you to try out.

Irish bavette steak

This one is among the simplest recipes. All you need to do is marinate the steak in a homely mix of apple cider vinegar with a hint of applesauce.

After marinating overnight, grill the steak in the processes we have described previously. Serve it with some roasted potatoes and greens on the side for a perfect, rustic Irish meal.

Moroccan bavette steak

Yet another simple dish, the Moroccan style packs a punch with typical middle-eastern flavour. For marinading I use spices like cumin, cardamon, cinnamon, turmeric or any other spices.

Make sure the grilling is quick and hot. Serve it with hummus and pita bread, or a tossed salad – whichever suits you.

Bavette steak with whiskey peppercorn sauce

This recipe is a more exclusive one and is my favourite, so you can plate this up for a family gathering or Sunday brunches.

For the cut:

  • 5 pounds of Bavette Steak
  • 1 teaspoon each of granulated garlic, salt, and coarse black pepper

For the sauce:

  • 1 tbsp of crushed peppercorn
  • ¼ cup of whiskey (any brand you prefer)
  • 1 tbsp of crushed peppercorn
  • ½ Beef stock or broth
  • ½ cup cream
  • Salt to taste

Be generous with your salt, pepper, and garlic on the steak. Grill each side over direct heat for two minutes before moving it to indirect heat. Let it rest for around ten minutes before slicing.

For the sauce, start with pouring the whiskey and peppercorns over medium heat, followed by the broth. After it is reduced, add the cream and salt and stir for 8-10 minutes. Move the preparation to indirect heat and reduce it till it thickens.

Serve hot!


Since Bavette steak is not well-known among people, not many know how to cook it or even the benefits of eating the steak. Now that more and more people know about it, some questions may arise. I have learned about these from immense research a d by asking people who have good knowledge about this steak.

Here I have answered some questions that may arise in your mind when you buy the Bavette steak for the first time. Go through the frequently asked questions to satisfy your queries and get to know more about Bavette steaks.

1.    When should I consider bavette cut?

The Bavette steak is very tender, which means you can eat the steak on its own. Once cooked, the steak can be cut into thin slices, which can then be used to make steak sandwiches. Due to the steak’s right flavor, you do not have to add too many ingredients to the sandwich for spicing it up.

You can also use the steak for dishes such as Bibimbap or stir-fry due to the enhanced flavor. The open grain of the steak makes it suitable for fajitas since it can be marinated very well. You can also add the Bavette steak to other steal dishes if you want but try not to add too many flavors since the dish can become quite overwhelming.

2.    How should I slice bavette steak?

Bavette steak has visible grain and an open and loose structure. The grain of the steak is the direction in which the muscle fibers are aligned. Moreover, these muscle fibers make the chewing smooth when cooked perfectly or seem leathery when overcooked.

If the fibers are short, then the meet would also be quite tender when cutting. You need to use a very sharp knife when you are cutting up your steak. The cut should be perpendicular to the long muscle fibers. A Bavette steak is quite easy to slice since the muscle fibers are visible. Keep the slices thin when you are cutting a Bavette steak.

3.    Is bavette steak healthy?

One of the concerning questions that may arise in your mind is whether the Bavette is healthy or not. I have already provided the nutritional information of the steak in the section mentioned above. However, to answer the question – yes, Bavette steak is very healthy, maybe healthier than most beef cuts.

4.    Is wagyu bavette steak different from normal bavette steak?

The difference between these both is the kind of beef that it was used for the Bavette steak. Wagyu is beef that originates from the Kuroge Washu, which is Japanese cattle. This beef is mostly imported from Japan; however, some are raised in Australia and the US.

When you get Bavette steak from Wagyu, the marbling is increased, and so is the rich flavor. However, this type of beef is generally hard to find since it is very expensive and not as well-known in the States.

You can find Wagyu Bavette steak in some online stores; however, the stock for this is mostly very limited.

Summing Up

Bavette steak is a very delicious cut that has never received the needed attention until now. Many people are currently getting to know the nutritional value of the Bavette cut and also the versatility it provides. You can use this cut in many dishes or even eat it without any addition since the flavor is very rich.

Always be cautious that the Bavette cut that you are buying is of the best quality. You can find many interesting recipes for the Bavette steak or try out the ones that I have mentioned in the guide!


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